965 51 10 43 - Carrer Postiguet, 12, 03812 Balones, Alicante balones@balones.es

Coca amb pebrera i tomaca


Kilo and half of wheat flour.
1 Kilo of tomatoes.
Half a kilo of peppers.
Twelve garlic cloves.
A deciliter of olive oil.


Put flour in a basil with salt, water and yeast. At the same time that is kneaded it is added oil, without stopping to knead. Let it stand. Strip the tomatoes and chop the pepper into very small pieces. In a frying pan with olive oil fry the tomatoes and the peppers. Finally, the cut garlic is added to the leaves. On a can of high rim, the cakes are formed, of an inch of thickness and the frying is poured over them. They put the oven in an hour.

Before the women brought the cakes to the bread oven to cook the cokes. This action was called ‘going to spin’. The cans were deposited on top of a wooden tauló, covered with a rug. For going to the oven the women, they carried the tauló with the cakes above the head.