965 51 10 43 - Carrer Postiguet, 12, 03812 Balones, Alicante balones@balones.es


It has a very typical gastronomy, taking into account that the main agricultural product of the population is the oil, it is necessary to emphasize the pericana (with base of peppers and bacallar) and l’espencat (with base of tomaca and bacallar), and it is also Very typical the mincho that is a base of baked flour, to which you can add the garnish you want. There is also a typical pastries based on the almond, the other dominant agricultural product. It is worth noting the pastissos of moniato, bunyols, torta d’atmetla and carquinyols.

If you travel the population is very likely to find the inhabitants doing any of these typical dishes that impregnate a very special aroma.